Civic Education Equity and Access

Civic Education Equity and Access

Schools are the most significant institution in the United States for preparing students for capable citizenship. However, most schools today are not providing their students an adequate civic education. Historical inequities in public education exacerbate this problem; these educational inequities perpetuate economic inequality and social fragmentation, and they undermine the health of our democracy

Resources from Our Members:

Activities & Advocacy Opportunities:

  • In February 2023, President Biden included in his FY24 budget a request for $50 million to expand civic learning opportunities on top of more than $20 million that was allocated this year. Learn more and contact your representatives through the CivXNow advocacy portal.


  • First Annual Summit on Civic Readiness: Preparing Democracy-Ready NY Students in celebration of NY Civic Learning Week 2023 . Watch it here!
  • Mending the Fabric of Democracy Session 4:  A Conversation with Leaders and Decision-makers. The Capitol riot, vulnerabilities revealed by the coronavirus pandemic, and renewed calls for racial justice have vividly shown that trust in our nation’s democratic institutions and values has worn thin. The fabric of our democracy is clearly in need of repair. Teaching civic readiness in K-12 education is key. Watch it here! 
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