Civic Learning in Elementary School/Early Education
The elementary school years have enormous potential for developing children’s civic skills and habits. Yet, the need for civic learning opportunities in elementary school has largely been overlooked. With the goal of supporting elementary school civic learning, we investigate existing research and assess how to advance a strategy to help elementary school students become civic ready.
Resources from Our members:
- Inquiring Minds partners with educators, parents and young students to create democratic tools, processes and programs that improve student engagement, self reliance and civic development offered for free.
- KidCivics Videos. KidCivics is a video series designed by kids to help children and adults understand how children can thrive during their time in school. They use Socratic debate and cooperative dialogue strategies to help students probe, problem-solve and create new knowledge.
- iCivics resource page for learning resources for elementary students
- Mikva Challenge Action Civics Curricula
- Teaching Civic Literacy Projects: Student Engagement with Social Problems Grades 4-12, by Dr. Shira Epstein, offers a framework for an overall civic literacy project that includes civic action.
Activities & Advocacy Opportunities:
Watch this two-part video series on civic learning in the early grades, created as a part of DemocracyReady NY's New York Civic Learning Week webinar series.